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No Mercy: A Darker Continuation Page 16

  He grinned at her. “You once said something like that.”

  She nodded, not liking to talk about the part of her she didn’t remember. They sat in silence, but it was anything but quiet to her. He stared at her and she decided if that’s all he wanted to do, then she’d give him that. She was a little fascinated with his fascination of her and maybe even a little flattered. She couldn’t deny the good feeling it gave to know he liked her to such a degree that he’d forsake himself for her. She angled her gaze at him and bit her lower lip, letting herself look at him. He was breathtaking. She wanted to stare boldly like him, but she didn’t have the same grit as he did in that department.

  She suddenly needed more air than the little box had to spare.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  “Just…” she fanned her face, “…kind of stuffy in here.”

  “You’re hot,” he said, like it was the answer to a riddle.

  “Yeah. That’s another word for it.”

  “I like that you’re still arouse by me,” he said.

  Oh God. She cleared her throat, not sure how to even answer that, so she didn’t.

  “Want to know the first thing you ever cooked for me?”

  She looked at him. “I cooked for you?”

  He smiled. “You did. Spaghetti.”

  She laughed a little and rolled her eyes. “That’s easy.”

  “I had come back from fighting and you were… so pissed at me.”

  Her heart raced, watching him recall with his head lowered.

  “I fought for the old man on some weekends and it was your first time seeing what that entailed. You offered me money so I’d quit. At which point I found out you were not working for money like you’d said. At which point…” He shook his head and stroked his cheek. “I realized… you were for real, I guess.” He angled a look at her. “Naïve as all fuck, but real. And good. And sitting next to me. In my life. Caring about me.”

  Mercy’s breath got stuck in her chest at the sadness his words evoked. That such a small thing would be earth moving to him said he must’ve really had a sucky ass life.

  “Same time tomorrow?” he asked, looking at the clock.

  She jerked her gaze up and realized it was over. Sadly. “Sure. Yes. You can even go first if you want.”

  He smiled at her, “There’s my Angel.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next session, Mercy got there early enough to be the one waiting for him. There’s my Angel. Why had those words felt so good? The whole session had gone very different from what she’d expected. He’d been sweet. Normal. No doubt that’s what she saw the first time around. Sadomasochist-smashochist. He was just a damaged human who needed a little hope. And she’d given him that.

  She took a breath as she reached the sauna room. Looking around, then down briefly at her jeans and perfectly fitted red t-shirt, she opened the door to the sauna.

  “You’re early,” he said.

  “Oh shit!” she gasped, turning away. He was naked! And that pissed her off. “Aren’t you worried just anybody might walk in?”

  “I let Liberty know I was coming in. You don’t want her seeing me naked?”

  She flustered and choked on gasps. “I don’t care personally but I’d think you should.”

  “You don’t?” He sounded disappointed.

  “You’re supposed to like me,” she said emphatically, “so you should guard your…nakedness, I’d think.”

  “Wow,” he muttered.

  “Wow, what? You sound amazed.”

  “I am.”

  “Why? I mean I may not remember a lot of things but it seems wrong to just let other woman see your body if you say you like another person, love even,” she reminded, annoyed that she was having this conversation. “Are you decent yet?”

  “I think so.”

  “I mean are you covered?”

  “I have a towel.”

  She sat down and looked at him. “Oh my God! Sade!” she cried, jerking her head away at finding him with his palms on the bench behind him and leaning back with his privates all big and forward.

  “You want me to put the towel on, I take it.”

  “Very funny, Sade,” she said.

  “You sound breathless again. Maybe we should hold these sessions in bigger spaces. Towel’s on.”

  “Maybe you should just keep your clothes on and we’ll be fine.”

  “So my nakedness makes you breathless?”

  “Your balls—oh God not your balls, you’re audacity— oh shut it,” she said at his laughter.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I’m picking at you. I love picking at you. Remember?”

  The sudden test caught her off guard. “I-I… I’m not sure, I’d have to think about it.”

  “It’s okay,” he said.

  But there was sadness in his tone that bothered her. She wanted to assure him but at the same time didn’t feel like she should. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t remember shit.

  “So, I get to go first you said?”

  “Well, it’s early.”

  “Right.” He looked at the clock. “Five more minutes.”

  She realized how stupid that was. “We could start now and finish five minutes early.”

  He angled a smile at her. “If you want.”

  She shrugged. “Fine with me.”

  He stretched his legs out, and the towel did little to hide the size of his manhood. “I love when you check me out.”

  She jerked her head away with a sound of disgust. “It’s like a train wreck.”

  His deep laughter rang out and she couldn’t resist the good feelings it gave her. She fought to appear indignant, or at least not so damn happy or turned on.

  “I don’t think I ever thanked you,” he said.

  “For what?” She was half afraid to know.

  “For saving my life that night. I was pissed for days about it but… I just wanted you to know what that meant to me.”

  She suddenly wished she remembered it. “Was it bad?”

  He presented the scar and she leaned and looked at it closer, wincing. She regarded him. “And then I tied you up?”

  He nodded. “You sure did.”

  “And… did odd things like soul meshing.”

  He shook his head with a smile. “Maybe that’s why I thought it was the most adorable thing ever. So odd. So different. But…” He pulled his feet in and leaned with his forearms on his legs. “Now that I look back… pretty sure it was while staring into those beautiful green eyes that I fell.”

  Confusion hit her. “Fell?”

  He looked at her with raised brows. “You need me to spell it out for you?”

  She was suddenly intimidated by the question that was clearly simple to understand. Her mind raced to connect what he’d meant. “No, I know what you mean.”

  “Do you?”

  Her heart raced hard as she shot out the risky answer that could be the wrong presumptuous one, “You fell for me, I get it.”

  He stared at her for a moment then lowered his gaze. “Yeah. That.”

  Okay, why was he mad? What did he want her to say? Did he want some reciprocation about that? “I’m sure I… knew that.” Fuck, great, stupid answer.

  “I’m sure you did,” he said, keeping his head lowered, then looking at her. “How’d you sleep last night?”

  She looked at him, wondering his angle. “Fine, why?”

  “Just wondering,” he said softly.

  “You? How’d you sleep?”

  “Not a wink.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “Something like that. Good thing I get off to it, right?” He gave a little laugh that made her feel guilty for not being more for him than she was.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry about, baby.”

  A deafening silence stretched between them, making Mercy feel like these sessions were the worst idea ever. “Did I tell you I started practicing meditation? Libert
y gave me a book. To help with training the mind.”

  “Really? Well, you were a nurse, you should pick that right up.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.” She smoothed her hands over her jeans and eyed the clock.

  “You can go now, if you want,” Sade said.

  Great. Put it all on her. “You can keep going.”

  “Alright,” he said, clasping his hands together before him. “I was thinking,” he began. “That… we could change the contract.”

  Ah, there it was. She’d felt that one coming from the very beginning, since they’d first discussed sessions. “How?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  He was good at these curve balls, always throwing things at her she wasn’t ready for or didn’t know what to do with. She thought about what he said, wanting to answer honestly. “I think so.”

  He finally looked at her until she felt uncomfortable. “I want to try something tomorrow. Will you meet me in my room? At the same time?”

  Light panic hit her. “For what?”

  “I just have an idea I want to try. To help you remember.”

  “Like what?”

  “Thinking that knowing would spoil the effect. It’s nothing to worry about, nothing sexual.”

  She relaxed only a little. “Okay. Sure.” She should’ve taken the time to think about that one. But her mouth seemed to like being open and saying things on its own.

  “Perfect,” he said, looking at the clock. “Would you like me to walk you back?”

  Time’s up? She cleared her throat. “It’s okay.”

  “It happens to be on my way,” he said with a grin as he stood. “I just need to dress.” He removed his towel, and before she could jerk her head away, her eyes locked onto his huge erection. Her heart hammered in her chest and privates as she fought to tear her gaze from it.

  He turned to get his clothes, saving her the impossible task but now she had his gorgeous ass to stare at. And stare she did. All the tattoos on his back, side, and neck—he was breathtaking. He turned to sit on the bench, and she snapped her gaze to the door.

  Once dressed, he walked with her back to her room and before she could open the door, he put his hand on it. She looked up at him and he slid his fingers along her face. Before she could react, his lips were on hers, pressing softly. Then they were gone. “I’m gonna go to the kitchen to grab a bite before bed. You want anything?”

  She gasped and shook her head.

  “Night, Angel.”

  She stood there, awestruck, breathless, and quaking in her skin. He glanced back as he went, and she quickly opened her door. Making her way in, she shut and locked it. Shit. What an amazing kiss. His lips were… so full. He’d made them so soft for that kiss.

  What in the world did he want her in his room for? What did he have planned? She suddenly opened her door and looked down the hall. When the coast was clear, she hurried into his room for a quick look around. Anything that would indicate his plans in there. She hobbled to the bed and looked under it. Then hurried to the bathroom for a look around. She thought she’d spied a suspicious something hanging on the tub and figured out it was just a back scrubber. She hurried out and made her way to the door then remembered the closet. Shit, she needed to get out of there. Hurrying, she went to the bi-fold doors and opened them. Looking she peered around for anything remotely suspicious.

  “I’ll come in a minute,” Sade said at the door.

  Oh shit! She looked around then hurried into the closet, falling into the back wall as she managed to shut one side of the closet. Oh God, were they both shut? She was so busted. What was she doing in there? She was… looking for… shoes? Extra pair of Crocs? And then panicked when he came in because… well she realized she should have asked.

  She held her breath at seeing him sit on the bad, his back facing her. He laid down and she jerked more into the closet when his head was in her line of vision. If he looked, he’d see her. She clenched her eyes shut, hoping the sudden movement hadn’t made a noise.

  Letting out a slow breath, she listened as he went to the bathroom. Oh God this was her chance, she could leave. The door opened and she glued herself back to the wall, one of her crutches clonking lightly on something. Oh God. The main light turned off, leaving only the bathroom one to shine into the room. She peeked through the slats as he sat on the bed again. She let out a careful breath wishing he’d go see Bo.

  Oh shit. What if he tried to go see her?

  He laid down, and her breath caught at seeing his naked chest. She let her breath go when he put a hand behind his head and draped his other across his midsection. She watched the rise and fall of his chest, her eyes catching the glow of white skin between the dark ink of his tattoos. Shit. How long would he take to fall asleep? She looked around in the closet, careful only to move her head. It was too dark to see anything even if there was something.

  She jerked back to watching him at hearing him sigh. He seemed to be looking down at something. She lowered her body and angled her head and see. Oh my God. He was naked. His hand was on his cock, stroking slowly. Her heart slammed her chest as she gradually leaned right so that she could look out the bi-fold door that was partially open. Oh. My. God.

  His chest and stomach moved with his gasps. He pulled his knees up and Mercy’s breath hitched in her chest when he let them fall open. Holy…. His enormous size sent heat biting her lower stomach and between her legs. She watched his muscles flex in his arms as he gripped himself and moved his hips in and out of his hold.

  His head went back with a groan and her eyes locked on his open mouth and neck muscles standing out. Oh God, oh God. Her privates throbbed as she watched him in silent ecstasy.

  “Fuck, yes,” he gasped, looking down at himself again. His hand moved quickly over himself, making the bed shake. Again his mouth opened wide, with a harsh hiss. She froze as his head turned toward her, then away in ecstasy. “Mercy,” he whispered, shooting panic through her. “Suck my cock,” he croaked. “Suck it, baby.” Her own mouth hung open in shock. He was talking to himself. Mercy’s privates were on fire as the bed shook more with his vigorous strokes. He looked down again, rolling his hips slowly then bucking fast. His head shot back, this time with teeth bared before his mouth flew open in a half roar.

  Oh my God, oh my God. The sound and sight of his orgasm rocked her unlike anything she’d ever felt. She was officially addicted to it.

  Her heart pounded so furiously in her body, she was sure he’d hear it as he gasped for air in the aftermath.

  He slowly sat up, his body still heaving, back facing her. He stood and went to the bathroom. She watched his gorgeous body as he walked with a sleek grace, aching to touch him. What would he feel like under her fingers? Was he soft? Hard? Both? What would he feel like on her lips? She closed her eyes, never wanting something so much. She wanted to know. She had to know. Not remember, know.

  She pressed her body into the wall when he came out with jeans on. She listened and heard his door open. He was leaving? Shit. Where was he going?

  She waited for a few seconds then grabbed the crutches. She could say she came in looking for him at this point if he returned. She got to the door and opened it slowly. Listening, she heard mumbling in Bo’s room and hurried across the hall then quickly slipped into hers. She locked her door and leaned against it, gasping for air. Oh. My. God.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sade hid in the closet, just as Mercy had done. God, jacking off knowing she was watching had been a fucking rush. It’s the only reason he was able to finish. He wanted so bad to bust her and then he had the idea to pay her back. He couldn’t wait to see her face when he told her he knew she’d watched. He wanted to ask her what she thought, how she’d felt. Had it made her pussy hot? Jesus fuck. His cock was hard just thinking about the conversation.

  He’d do it when he tied her up tomorrow. He’d let her get settled in bed before announcing his presence. Then it hit him. What if she freaked? In a bad

  He put his hand on the closet door, ready to come out but not so sure he’d already waited too long. He’d better just let her fall asleep and sneak out after.

  Sade settled for watching her. His heart picked up speed when she began to undress. Oh fuck. That was a bonus he wouldn’t feel bad for. She climbed under the covers, making his breath come faster. She was sleeping naked? Fuck double bonus. His dick jerked hard at seeing her tits, fucking God he missed them. His entire body tensed with the need to feel them on his tongue and lips again while he owned her body with his hands.

  She picked up his notebook and opened it, flipping pages. Fuck, reading that while naked? Baby, are you going to be naughty for me? He prayed yes. God please, yes, be naughty for me.

  She glanced at the door then began reading. He gripped his cock when her hand slipped under the covers. My. Fucking. God. He quickly opened his pants and unzipped them, working his impossibly hard cock out. She slid down in the bed a little and drew her legs up, then let them fall open. Fucking God, yes.

  It created a tent, fuck baby, come on, move the covers. Oh Jesus Christ, what was she doing with her fingers? She licked her lips and parted them as her gaze locked on the notebook. He strained to hear and picked up light gasps finally. Her legs opened a little wider and her eyes closed. Full blown fantasy now. What did she see in that pretty mind? Oh, he’d find out. He stroked his cock slowly in one hand while sliding his fingers all over the slick head until he couldn’t breathe from the fire it created. He worked his balls out of his underwear, needing to put them in a vice. At the rate she was going, his sweet angel was erupting in orgasm in less than one minute.

  And he wanted to come with her when she did.

  She pulled her legs back farther and arched her back now. Her head lolled side to side with her mouth open in ecstasy, pretty brows drawn in desperate focus. Jesus Christ! Move baby, move the fucking covers, please. They slid off on one side like a miracle. Oh God, yes, like that yes. The entire side of her body was visible now, and fuck she was beautiful. His favorite tit was begging for his teeth and tongue, nipple erect with the sharp arch of her back and tilt of her head. The column of her neck stretched long, whispering suck me, Sade. Please. Bite me, kiss me.