No Mercy: A Darker Continuation Page 20
He suddenly latched iron fingers in her hair, and she gasped as he held her head firmly to the bed with one hand. He opened his knees more and lowered himself, stroking her face with the entire length of his cock. She parted her lips, never hungrier to taste anything in her life.
He moved to the rhythm of the song, rubbing the hot muscle over every inch of her face, across her nose. Mercy breathed in, devouring him with all her senses. He finally rubbed the thick tip over her lips, teasing, making her reach for it with her tongue. She lashed and licked and even though it wasn’t her first time, it felt new. He wrote about her sucking him, how much he loved it.
A dense jealousy suddenly filled her that she couldn’t remember what he had loved. She wanted to do it again, better than before. She wanted to make him forget the past and remember this, right now. Her. Him.
He hissed and slid his cock into her eager mouth, moving in and out to that song, pushing the thick head against the back of her throat and holding it there when the bass dragged. She watched him, taking all of him, loving all of it. She wanted to make him come, to give him the same insane pleasure he’d given her. But more than anything, she wanted to feel him between her legs, his cock thrusting deep inside her while he kissed her senseless.
“Remember my cock, baby,” he gasped.
She nodded with a moan and his fingers pulled harder at her hair until pain shot through her scalp.
“I know you fucking do,” he gritted. “Your mouth remembers. Your pussy remembers. And you will fucking remember before this night is over with.” She grunted with his firm thrusts. “You’re going to swallow every fucking drop. You want that?”
She nodded, her jaw burning and aching.
He growled and held her head in both hands now, his fingers biting still as he pumped his cock in and out, shallow then deep. He hissed and looked down, watching her mouth.
Mercy waited for him to look at her like he had before. Look at her while he did this to her. His lips pulled back in a growl. “Ffffucking teeth feel good on my cock.”
She’d been fighting not to hurt him, forgetting he liked pain. She allowed her teeth to rub along him more and he gasped, looking down at what she was doing. His brows drew together hard and his mouth remained opened as she created more friction with her teeth. “Oh fuck,” he grit.
Delicious heat spiked through Mercy as she felt the power. Getting pain was his weakness and she could use that. Something his sweet Mercy wouldn’t do.
She gave a deep groan and bit harder on his cock. Sade slammed his palms against the wall before him with a sharp gasp.
“Fucking suck me hard. Just like that.” He looked down again and finally, his eyes locked to hers. “Bite my cock, God yes, fucking bite it, baby.” He growled long and hard as he forced himself in and out of her now vicious grip. When she saw impossible pleasure threatening in his hot gaze, she clamped down harder.
Sade roared, and hot cum immediately shot against her throat before Mercy could worry she’d gone too far. She held her bite as he grabbed her head in both hands, fingers pulling her hair like he’d rip it out. She held tight, screaming on his cock and swallowing when his cum demanded passage either down or up.
When she’d taken every drop as he demanded, she trembled as his body heaved with his head back. Shock edged his strained groans, filling Mercy with pride. She’d given him that. Not his sweet Mercy. Her.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Sade growled and shot off the bed, literally jerking his still hard cock out of her mouth. She watched him pace next to the bed, holding his head, his entire body heaving as the music continued to play. His head dropped back with his hands on his face, and he began to let out a growl until he turned and roared in her face.
She clenched her eyes shut tight, bracing for impact. But he just kept roaring in her face. Mercy screamed back, turning her face from him, not understanding, not able to take the sound of agony he blasted at her.
He was on her again, his body pressing into her, mouth hot on her neck, tongue sliding up in loud grunts. She fought to reach his mouth with hers, desperate for him again. His fingers grabbed her face in a vicious grip and he kissed her hard, their teeth scraping and cutting until she tasted blood. She was dizzy with the pain, need and desire, fighting to keep up with him. Pain. She could take it. Somewhere in her mind, she knew she could take it.
And give it.
She bit at whatever her mouth could reach, making him growl and gasp. When he pulled out of her reach over and over, she growled back.
“Fucking kiss me,” she gasped. “Untie me. I want to do things to you. Things I’ve never done before.” He stared down into her face, a haze in his silver eyes. One hand stroked her face, his touch so very delicate and restrained. The storm brewing in his eyes should have scared her, but fear was not something she fathomed in that moment.
Blood dripped from his mouth onto her chin, and he angled his head before lowering to lick along her chin then across her lips. He did it again but this time when he licked her mouth, his tongue plunged with a fury. They kissed again, a war of teeth and tongue, bruised lips fighting to devour first—consume all.
She didn’t understand why, but she knew they were fighting. For her, she fought to find a ground to stand on. In her life, her mind, in that bed, that room. That moment. A fight to exist, a fight for rights to be. Somebody. Anybody. She needed to be his, she fought to become that. And she fought to understand what he was fighting so she could kick its ass and take back what was hers. Make him give up the ghost so that she could live.
Again he left her, storming to the kitchen area and yanking open a drawer. He turned with a dark fury, a knife in his hands.
Panic shot through her, fought to scatter her determination as he made his way back, his gaze on her body. She shut her eyes as he grabbed her top and sawed it off of her. Fear and desire warred as the air hit her naked breasts. Next he cut her panties off and then her skirt.
The pacing began again. He pressed the heel of his palms to his eyes, the knife flashing at every pivot.
“Talk to me, Sade,” she gasped. She wanted to reach him in the dark place he was in, fighting alone. Fighting that something she didn’t know.
The pacing suddenly stopped. He slowly turned until his slitted gaze locked with hers. Pain stole her breath at what she saw. Confusion and devastation. He turned and faced her, walking to the bed. When his body blocked out everything, his words whispered out. “Where… is Mercy?”
Pain suffocated her until she gasped for air.
“Where… is my MERCY!”
She shook her head and let out a sob as he dragged the knife from his shoulder to hip, blood flowing down his body. “Stop,” she barely cried.
He drew the knife from his other shoulder to his hip. “WHERE IS SHE!”
“STOOOOOP!” she screamed.
He was on her again, heavy and pressing. His mouth was hot over her breasts, teeth scraping the sensitive nipples while his chest rumbled with a hungry growl. “Where is she?” he gasped, his hands squeezing the mounds until she arched off the bed. “Tell me you remember,” he rasped, devouring mouthfuls of her wherever his lips landed.
“Please fuck me,” she gasped.
His breath shuddered at her mouth and his cock pressed at her opening. He slid in deep, his mouth on hers again, kissing as he moved in and out of her with near vicious strokes, growling in her mouth. Heat shot through her body as he rammed a place inside her that made her dizzy and confused and lost to everything but that. She stared at him through a slitted gaze as he drove into her.
“Remember me,” he gasped harshly.
He kissed her like he was giving her mouth to mouth and the idea that he was fucking her to resurrect another woman shattered her heart until she began to wail and scream in the agony of not being enough. Not being the one.
“Untie me! I don’t fucking remember you, I don’t remember! I’m not your angel! I’m not your angel!” she sobbed. “Untie me, I don�
�t want you! I don’t fucking want you!”
He collapsed on her body and she continued to wail, “You fucked me! You fucked me because you don’t love me! Love makes your dick not work, you told me, you don’t love me!” she sobbed.
“You’re not her!” he roared getting off of her.
Mercy clenched her eyes tight, wishing she could shut her ears and heart.
“Mercy fought my demons, and you!” he rammed a finger at her, “You fucking feed them! You don’t have a clue about what we had, the love we had! She would have kicked my ass for doing what I did to you!”
Mercy wailed. “I thought you wanted it!”
“I do fucking want it!” He slammed his hands over his chest. “Don’t you fucking see!” he roared. “I hate myself, I hate this fucking body! I want to fucking die and Mercy,” he gasped. “Mercy taught me… how to live. God, I need her back,” he finished in a hoarse voice that shattered Mercy. “I don’t know how to live without her!”
“Untie meeeeeee!” she screamed, kicking and thrashing. “There is NO MERCY! There is NO FUCKING MERCY!”
Fury and pain roiled in Sade like a bomb in his blood. He looked around for the knife and grabbed it off the floor. In two steps, he was at the bed, ripping through the material holding her. One, two, three, four. Fucking done and seconds from doing things he’d regret eternally.
Mercy wasn’t done. His blood smeared all over her, she flew at him in screaming rage, nails, feet and fists slamming his body and igniting his sadism’s very short fuse.
In one move, he grabbed her and threw her on the bed, only to have her scramble up and attack again. “I hate you! I never loved you, you bastard! You’re a liar, I never fucking loved you! I would remember! I would remember that, how would I forget! You’re lying like you lied about my dad! You’re a liar!”
Every word came with a kick or a punch. Some he blocked, some he gladly took. He was inches from letting her beat him into ecstasy except the pain her words caused demanded his sadism, demanded his anger. Because that was the kind of pain he couldn’t stand under, that was a monster only his sadism could stand up to. But she couldn’t stand up to his fury. And God help him, he was slowly slipping under its wicked oblivion.
“Open the door Sade!” Bo pounded on the door. “Open the fucking door! What the fuck is wrong with you, open this fucking door or I’ll fucking kick it in! You are fucking up! You hear me?”
Sounded like he body-slammed the door and Sade stormed to it, glad for the intrusion. He jerked it open and walked into Bo until he was up against the wall. “You here to stop me?” he muttered through a furious adrenaline spike. “Are you? You better fucking get busy, man, you getting me? You getting me?”
“I’m getting you, man” he gasped. “But not fucking right here, we’ll do it someplace else.”
Sade stared down into Bo’s face. The fury there didn’t give a fuck about size or strength, it only cared about giving all you fucking had to it, didn’t matter how it ended. And in that second, Sade hungered to oblige.
“Nobody’s doing shit anyplace else.” The click of metal sounded on his right, and he turned his gaze slowly to Liberty with a Glock aimed at his head. “I know how to graze really well, don’t try me or I’ll shave your ass down until you’re on the floor. We are done fighting,” she gasped. “This is not doing a fucking thing for anybody.”
Sade turned a little to see Mercy standing in the doorway behind them, wearing his t-shirt. The sight of her disheveled appearance slowly brought him back to reality. Like she’d been used as a chew toy by a fucking monster. Her hair stuck up everywhere, black streaks of makeup covered her cheeks, his blood smeared all over her arms and neck, her lower lip cut and swollen from that great fucking sadistic kissing.
Burning shame slowly filled him until he clenched his eyes shut in self-disgust, ready to vomit.
Burning shame slowly filled him until he clenched his eyes shut in self-disgust, ready to vomit.
“Now, what we’re going to do,” Liberty began, “is go in the living room and—” Liberty jerked her gaze to the living room. “Everybody to the safe-room! Now!”
Panic slammed Sade, and he grabbed Mercy’s hand and ran with her, then spun and lifted her in his arms, sprinting to the room with the tunnel leading out.
“Okay baby, we need you to remember the code to get out of here,” Sade gasped as he went.
“Oh God, I don’t know a fucking code!”
“Hint is ‘No More Nightmares,’” Liberty said as they made it to the room. “Have her try until we get it, I’m going to the gun room for weapons.” The sound of an explosion rocked the air and Liberty slammed the door and locked it. “Cancel that order.”
“Where is it,” Sade said, looking around with Mercy in his arms still.
“There!” Liberty pointed to a silver door at the back corner of the room.
“A rhyme,” Sade said, hurrying her over and setting her down. “You know any rhymes at all?”
Mercy began stuttering through syllables, trying to think.
“Maybe it’s like a nursery rhyme,” Bo offered, breathless. “Like, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or something.
“Try it,” Sade ordered.
“How, what do I do?”
“Press the button,” Liberty called out, “and speak. Sade, help me barricade the door. Everything against it. Bo, look for anything that can serve as a weapon or defense.”
Mercy pressed the button. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
“Error… please speak clearly into the microphone.” She leaned and repeated it louder into the mic. “Good try, Button,” said a female computer voice. “Hint: No More Nightmares.”
“Who’s Button?” Mercy gasped.
“You must be,” Bo hurried, stacking up items on the floor by them. “Try again, try to think. What nursery rhyme stopped your nightmares?”
“I don’t even remember my nightmares!”
“Just call random nursery rhymes out,” Liberty said. “Help her out, Bo Peep!”
“You watch the door, Iron Maiden,” Bo shot back.
“I got your back, baby, don’t you worry about that,” Liberty said.
Sade hauled the other desk in the room near Mercy in case they got through. “What are the odds of them getting in?” Sade asked.
“They could blow the door,” she said with a grunt, shoving a bookshelf over. “We can use these books,” she said. “Keep trying, Mercy!”
“Books,” Bo muttered. “Gonna read them to death?”
“I heard that,” Liberty said.
“Hey Diddle Diddle,” Sade yelled, “Come on, Mercy! Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall, Little Miss Muffet, Row Row Row your… fucking boat,” he yelled, throwing the grandfather clock onto the desk. “Hurry!”
“Slow down!” she yelled, repeating them into the mic only to get the same message over and over. “I think if I knew my nightmares it would help.”
“Wee Willie Winkie,” Bo suggested. “The Itsy Bitsy Spider!”
Mercy tried again. “Good try, Button. Hint: No More Nightmares.”
“No more nightmares, no more nightmares” Mercy muttered, clenching her eyes. “Just call more out, nothing is coming.”
“Uhh, uhh,” Bo snapped rapidly. “Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall.”
“Good try, Button. Hint: No More Nightmares.”
“They’re at the door,” Liberty whispered, signaling for them to be quiet, and then pointing at Mercy to keep on trying. Liberty signaled Sade over. “We have one weapon. That’s not good. We’ll have to be creative.”
“Fuck,” Sade whispered, looking back at Mercy. “Is there no way to contact her fucking father in here? Is there any other way out?”
“Yes, if we can get out of here alive,” she muttered, “we can walk out the front door.”
“Why didn’t we just do that instead of coming in here and trapping ourselves?”
“Because it seemed like our best chance, and I wasn�
��t exactly ready for them!” she hissed.
“I got it!” Mercy screeched. “It was Mary Had A Little Lamb!”
Sade and Liberty jerked around to find the door opened. “You’re fucking kidding me!” Sade and Liberty hurried into what looked like an elevator.
Liberty tapped the button and the door shut at a snail’s pace. Once moving, Sade looked around. “We going up or down?” he asked, putting his arm around Mercy, noticing she didn’t return the gesture.
“Seems like up,” Liberty said.
The floor beneath them shook. “Fuck,” Bo gasped, arms flying out at his sides.
“They blew the door,” Liberty said. “Come on, hurry hurry,” she muttered.
They finally stopped, and the door opened in a garage where a black SUV sat. They quickly hurried into it, Liberty and Bo in the front, Sade pulling Mercy in the back with him.
Liberty lowered the visor and keys fell into her lap. Bo gasped in awe, and Liberty started the vehicle. “Everybody buckle the fuck up, everything is going just a tad too good to celebrate.”
Exactly Sade’s thought. Nothing went this good in his life, ever.
Chapter Twenty-Four
It was like the fucking Twilight Zone as Sade stood in the shower at the next safe house, palms braced on the wall. They’d made it there with zero problems, and he could almost feel Karma smiling at him. Go ahead and relax. Take a break. Kick your feet up, that way when I come and kick your ass, you’ll really feel it.
And he was pretty sure it was coming in the form of a little someone named Mercy. She’d been acting weird with him since they got there. The day of, she totally fucking dissed him on every hand. Then the next morning, she stared—no, glared at him the entire day. And now she wanted to talk to him. He was sure Karma had settled to get him this way—the one way that meant everything to him. Mercy.
To further add to the Twilight Zone effect, the new safe house was a mini-mansion on a remote part of an island in the Philippines. Population two-hundred-twenty if you counted them, with gorgeous blue-green ocean all around. They’d driven to the PO Box and gotten two sets of keys—one for the small private plane, the other to this remarkable place. All that was left was waiting for Kane’s return, which they found out would be that evening. That would be the other Karma cookie in the oven—something happening that would prevent that, and break Mercy’s heart all over again.